In our previous article – Pia’s speech at SXSW – we discussed rethinking and redefining what it is to go on a paid date. We spoke of trying to see things from a different perspective. This article will explore paid dating in greater detail, framed within the context of Ohlala, what we provide and who we provide it for. Take a look.

“What is Paid Dating?”

Paid dating is compensation for a date. At Ohlala we provide a platform for people to go on paid dates in the safest and most efficient way possible. At the moment, Ohlala is in an early stage, so only men can pay women for a date. However, we have planned expanding this concept to allow women to pay men, men to pay men and women to pay women. We want our users to help shape the product. This is what we provide with Ohlala, and we want our users to help us make it into the best it can possibly be. If you have any suggestions for improvements we’d love to hear from you: [email protected]

“Who uses Ohlala?”

Ohlala services those who know and understand what they want and feel that other dating platforms such as dating sites or dating apps fall short of their needs. Others don’t offer the instant aspect. What Ohlala provides is the reality that you could be commuting home, eating lunch or browsing on your phone, and in that window of time you could set up a paid date for the evening with very minimal effort.

“Why wait til the end of the article? Find out for yourself. Try Ohlala.

“Why Ohlala?”

Unlike others, Ohlala focuses its energies into providing ‘instant’ dates. We want to provide our users with paid dates on demand, for the time conscious, the pragmatic, or just those who want to approach dating from a different perspective. This is why Ohlala has piloted its American expansion in New York. The lifestyles of New Yorkers mesh well with a service offering instant dates. Ohlala offers a mobile dating service that’s as on-the-go as you are, and efficient approach to dating that works for your schedule, the knowledge that no browsing means no way to stumble across your profile, and clarity – the ability share what you’re looking for before the date even happens.

“Why Paid dates?”

Money is a motivator. Using money as a catalyst for dating is nothing new. You ask someone out, you may pay for their dinner. Their drinks. Their cab ride home. Currency has always played an instrumental part in connecting people. Paid dating just takes it one step further into what some would argue is the next logical step in dating. Time is a precious commodity, and people who want to pay to avoid the disappointment of being unable to find dates can use Ohlala.

“What now?”

If paid dating on demand is appealing to you right now, then sign up and try something new today. Try instant dating. Try Ohlala.

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